Monday, September 15, 2014

UNITY : "It is the choice we make to make the same choice"

Thought:  UNITY
What does this mean? Simply put, "it is the choice we make to make the same choice".

We may not always feel like (in our flesh) choosing biblical standards, but the unity of the body will be accomplished when we "make the choice to make the same choice".

This word unity is the Greek word ἑνότης, meaning UNANIMITY.

Here’s the idea:  we are in a courtroom together and we cannot leave until we all agree on a verdict.  We must be UNANIMOUS in our choice.

One important thing that ought to distinguish believers is our unanimous belief on things:

                                Such as:

                                 Death, burial, and resurrection of Christ
                                 Be kind one to another
                                 Love one another
                                 Help the widows
                                 Love the poor
                                 Seek the Kingdom of God
                                 And so on.  
What happens when we as believers do not have the same verdict on these behaviors?  We are not in unity, and the power of the church is diminished.

Bridge class assignment:

We are discussing UNITY (or being unanimous in our approach and belief) about certain topics:  Dating, sex, career choice, and much more.

                This weeks assignment is to ask this question:  What are the characteristics of the person we are wanting to marry?  Looking forward to more discussion this Sunday!


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